Sherpa was born from a passion for empowering individuals to reach their fitness and adventure goals, no matter where they are. What started as a personal journey for our co-founder, Dane Rauschenberg, has evolved into a dynamic marketplace that connects people seeking guidance with those ready to lead the way.

After completing 52 marathons in 52 weekends, Dane realized the importance of having access to local knowledge, safety, and motivation. He envisioned a platform where anyone, regardless of experience, could connect with a guide who understands their unique needs—whether it's finding the perfect running route in a new city or getting the push needed to start a new fitness routine.

Over a decade of real-world experience, combined with feedback from countless athletes and adventurers, led to the creation of Sherpa. Our app now brings together a community of coaches, trainers, and guides—whom we call Sherpas—with customers looking to achieve their fitness and lifestyle goals.

Whether you're looking to become a Sherpa or find one, our platform makes it easy to connect, train, and succeed together. Join us in building a world where everyone can find their path to wellness and adventure.

Now, you too can get there with Sherpa.

Want to become a Sherpa?

Complete the below form and join other Sherpas!

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Complete the following form and find your Sherpa!


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